The Seminole State College Board of Regents met Oct. 20 to review the College’s annual external audit report and approve a new responsible use information technology policy.
The meeting opened with a review of the College’s recent expenditures by Vice President for Fiscal Affairs Melanie Rinehart. Then SSC President Lana Reynolds presented her President’s Report, which included an update on the College’s personnel changes and information about campus activities.
The review and approval of the 2022 fiscal year external audit was the first action item on the agenda. The Board approved the audit conducted by Hinkle and Company, P.C. of Tulsa. The audit focused on College operations from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. Prior to the meeting, the report was presented to the Board Audit Committee, composed of Regents Ryan Pitts, Kim Hyden and Bryan Cain. Kirk Vanderslice, a partner at Hinkle and Company, P.C., provided a summary at the meeting. The accounting firm communicated that they found no significant deficiencies or material weaknesses. They issued an unqualified — or clean — audit.
Next, the Board approved a new policy regarding the responsible use of information technology on campus. SSC provides information technology, which includes but is not limited to: computer networks, network servers, personal computers, workstations, voice and video networks, internet-based cloud services, WiFi Internet, transmission systems, mobile apps, software, and digital information.
Responsible use of these technologies includes respecting the rights of others by complying with all College policies regarding sexual, racial and other forms of harassment and by preserving the privacy of personal data. College resources, from any location, may not be used to transmit content that is discriminatory, defamatory, fraudulent or obscene or which is considered hate speech and violates any federal or state law. The College may limit, restrict or extend computing/information network privileges and access to its resources as it determines appropriate. Such a policy will help support a new SSC campus app. The policy has been reviewed and approved by SSC’s legal counsel in the Attorney General’s Office.
Under the consent agenda, the Board approved a program modification for a Certificate in Childhood Development, approved a revised holiday schedule for 2022-2023, approved a Memorandum of Understanding with Canadian Valley Electric Cooperative for a Micro-Credentialing program, and approved a Change Order for a project with Hunter Mechanical Controls.
Board members present at the meeting were: Chair Ryan Pitts, Bryan Cain, Marci Donaho, Kim Hyden, Curtis Morgan and Robyn Ready.
The next SSC Board of Regents meeting is set for Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022.
Original source can be found here